Prisma Gesellschaft für angewandte Informatik mbH
Langgasse 38
D-35781 Weilburg
Tel.: +49 6471 9265-0
Fax: +49 6471 9265-55
General Manager: Dipl.-Inform. Mike Bach
HRB 3291 Amtsgericht Limburg
USt.- Ident-Nr. DE 192 025 408
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Unless otherwise indicated, the rights to the text and images on this page are held by Dipl.-Inform. Mike Bach. The rights to the software and documentation offered here, unless otherwise indicated, are held by Prisma GmbH. UpToNet® is a registered trademark (word/figurative mark) of Prisma GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Use of contents of this site by third parties requires the consent of Prisma GmbH or the respective rights holder. Prisma does not adopt the statements and contents of linked pages as its own. Should Prisma become aware of content that violates applicable law, the links in question will be removed.